Kogama The Elevator

Kogama The Elevator

Kogama The Elevator transports you to an enthralling 3D universe. This rendition is an invigorating departure from the Kogama universe, which is renowned for its blocky visuals and dynamic multiplayer settings. Discovering the secrets and enigmas of each level while ascending to the top floor is your objective.

As an expedient substitute for the staircases, this lift takes passengers up and down floors. Merging the allure of solving mysteries with the thrills of competitive multiplayer combat, this game distinguishes itself as the pinnacle of adventure. Obstacles and traps that lead to the main floor must be prevented. Are you preparing yourself to activate the button? The moment the door shuts, an exciting journey awaits.

How To Play

To move, use the W, A, S, and D keys. To leap, press the spacebar. To interact with everything around you, use the E key. The elevator will be a waiting room where everyone will be pleased when the doors open, and the incinerator can be used to delete players, so try not to allow that to happen to you. Once you're out, try to reach the finish line before the other players, earning as many stars as possible along the way.

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